Oh My Gosh.
I cannot claim to be fully in the know about the Machap by-election, but from
what I've read online so far, I am certainly not impressed.
I usually like starting my media exposure with the mainstream media, and I start by reading thestar.com.my. And, as usual, BN gets all the publicity, while opposition parties get none. Big shots are called in. Our Deputy Prime Minister calls for voters to think about their future and not use emotions to vote, and at the same time, offers 50 chinese families land titles in a Felda land. Our MCA president goes to Machap to listen to the people's woes (wonder why they don't publicize this sort of news when no election is near), whereas our deputy MCA president claims that "the most important thing that Barisan had brought to the people was the fact that they could live peacefully without fear and helped solve any problem they had".
Sounds impressive? Obviously.
But wait.
I noticed that when TheStar reported on Najib giving the 50 chinese families Felda land, it said that these families, together with the Malay settlers there, would form the BARISAN NATIONAL KAMPUNG. Didn't sound right to me, phishy stuff.
At the same time, I saw pictures of the BN election candidate, together with UMNO Youth Chief and Deputy Chief (remember the keris wielding guy and PLah's son-in-law?), and MCA Youth Chief handing over free food to Machap residents. More phishy stuff!! In that link, I also found out that it was illegal under the Election Offenses Act 1954 "food, drink, refreshment or provision, or any money or ticket or other means or device for the purpose of corruptly influencing that person or any other person to give or refrain from giving his vote ".
Shortly after, BERSIH, a coalition set up to campaign for clean and fair elections in Malaysia (as opposed to the Election Committee which is viewed by many to have failed to be impartial) lodged a police report against those BN leaders claiming foul play and corrupt practices in the Machap election campaign. In this linked article, it was written that our deputy Prime Minister Najib had told the crowd “Ada ubi ada batas, ada budi boleh balas. Kalau nak
balas, balas pada April 12 dan undilah Barisan Nasional (One should repay or return favours when the time is right and the favour should be repaid by voting BN on April 12).” after announcing the allocation of the Felda land to the 50 chinese families.
Cheap tactis man!
BN, surely you don't need to hit under the belt to secure your votes?
too bad many ppl in machap aint reading news from the net.
i dun know taht you're not allowed to give such entertainment... wow...didnt know election also got conflict of interest! haha!
Agh BN, you have done it again! BN are using the same tactics every year and those people always use their emotion to vote without using the principle of logic.
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