It all started when I was curious about Article 153 of the Constitution of Malaysia. you know, the one that is the reason for most of (note to SangYee: See I don't use TOTALISTIC words such as ALL anymore =P) the cursing and swearing of non-malays towards malays in Malaysia.
I ended up spending the whole night reading random information in Wikipedia, from the Sedition Act, to the Internal Security Act (ISA), to the Malayan Emergency, to the Malaysian Malaysia, to the People's Action Party (did u know that the DAP was actually the Malaysia branch of the PAP of Singapore?), to the Malay Dilemma, to our First Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, to Ultras, to the Presidential Council for Minority Rights in Singapore. And possibly more that I can't remember.
Makes me feel so much more empowered when I start forming opinions towards the current situation of Malaysian politics. Some long-standing questions in my head that were answered tonight:
- How on earth did the Sedition Act and the Internal Security Act manage to get itself into the Malaysian Constitution?
- What was the force behind the Malayan Communists that led to an Emergency State being called? (Stupid history books always portray them as bad guys, but I wasn't convinced then)
- Why did Singapore REALLY leave Malaysia? And how have they progressed so much while Malaysia pludges along behind slowly?
- What was Tunku Abdul Rahman like when he led Malaysia to merdeka? (Found out about some ugly past about Tun Mahathir and Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi in the process with regards to their status on bumiputera rights)
- How are Malays in Singapore surviving WITHOUT THE PRIVILLEGES offered to them in Singapore?
Interestingly, the Presidential Council for Minority Rights body stood out to me. Probably highlights the fundamental difference between Malaysia and Singapore too.
Article 153 in Constitution of Malaysia: Protects rights of BUMIPUTERA
Presidential Council for Minority Rights: Protects rights of every singaporean race, religion or community.
Shucks. I could go on and on now. Suddenly feel 500% more intelligent.
But I shall go to bed instead and leave it to you to check out those sites at Wikipedia.
Go on, you know you want to!
This is what people don't get when they criticise Wikipedia... does Britannica even cover any of these topics? Sure, there are inacuraccies in Wikipedia, but the vast majority of articles are simple concise overviews of topics that you otherwise would have a hard time learning about. Screw the haters!
=). Glad you feel the same way.
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