Previous pictures too nerdy for you? No sweat, I can be cool too! Imma PUNK!
Want a metrosexual instead? Lookit me now! Don't worry, I'm hot on the outside, but soft on the inside...
Damn it's a tough life being so good looking....
(Don't worry GuangHong, I know you're really a nice guy inside...Just have a good laugh!) =).
This girl is da bomb. When she transferred from KuanCheng Girls School to our class in Form4, she had em boys eyes in the class turning.. Even with the mandatory necklength hairstyle for girls imposed on her by our strict school! But don't be decieved...she is anything but a brainless beauty, she's as smart as a nerd too! (Hang on..or is she a nerd herself?:P)
Why are all those guys staring at me? Eek some of them even have scary smiles on their faces!
Maybe I'll smile back too...
I'm a Japanese wannabe! I heard Andy Lau likes hot Jap chiqs...
Muahahah.....he fell for it! He's mine..ALL MINE...
Whaddaya mean I'm a nerd Jazzi -.- Just cos I dress cute and study hard....Watchout the gangsta in me is gonna whoop yer a**!
6. Lee Hong Wee
He loves girls. He really does!! Sometimes he goes on a bit of a rage though...I wonder why... pent up frustration? =P.

Watchout mi ladies! Hongster is here!
Where are the ladies?!? Imma getting constipated... T_T
(puts wigs on himself and speaks in a girls voice): "Don't worry Hongster, I'm here for you..." Come here mushy mushy, give mama a kiss.."
Oddly enough, that feels SOOOO GOOD!!!
Fine then! If ya'll girls don't appreciate me, I'll use my big long pole for better purposes!
Muahaha...told you I'd do good with mi pole! Got myself a degree with it!
Chancellor: *wink-wink* ya sure did! You free tonight again?
More to come.....
I love Guang Hong!
gosh, where did you get all these pictures from? amazing >o<
Jun-E: Haha you still haven't gotten over your high-school craze over Guang Hong have you? =)
LCF: I got them all from friendster...=)
Walauyeh, if I'm so so free to type my name in Google, I'll never found out this website!!!
No worry, ZQ, I won't sue you for grabbing my private picture =P, but you still have to pay me for using my picture, haha...
Miss those old days... Is that mean I'm also as old as you?? Nah... C u sometime in the future!
Walauyeh, if I'm so so free today to type in my name in Google, I would never know this web page!!!
Dun worry, ZQ, I won't sue you for using my private picture, =P, but you sure have to pay me for using it, haha...
I miss the good old days too... Is that mean I'm as old as you??
Nah... C u sometime in future!!!
And Jun-E, I love you too!!!
To CF, you should add me in frinedster!!!
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