Stumbled upon a recent speech Anwar Ibrahim gave at Keadilan Night, actually listened to the whole 40 minutes of it. He's a very persuasive speaker!!
Once again was feeling very "politically-minded" (wonder what's wrong with me recently), so did some interest reading in Wikipedia on the topics below:
- Anwar Ibrahim. I used to only know him as 'an ex-deputy prime minister of Malaysia who got jailed for corruption and sodomy(!!!), who is now a sour plum trying to regain what he lost in Malaysian politics. Reading about his political history really changed my perception about him.
- Party Keadilan Rakyat. Didn't really know how this party came about. Didn't even know that it was a merger between 2 parties!
- Elections in Malaysia. If you click on some links you can actually see the results of past general elections. OMG had no idea the Barisan Alternatif had such high percentage of votes in 1999! Didn't translate into number of winning seats though. Makes you wonder whether the government did some gerrymandering or malaportionment to kill off the opposition. In fact, Party Keadilan Rakyat actually released internatinoally a 'Sham Democracy' Report last year condeming the practices in Malaysia when it comes to the general elections. Hm..interesting.
- Parliament of Malaysia. Felt quite embarassed that I did not know how Parliament worked in Malaysia, including the roles of Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara. Must've fallen asleep numerous times during Sejarah periods in high school....owel, it's never too late! A must read too! You have no idea how unfair the voting process in there is... =(
About time you too brushed up on general knowledge! =).
Yes, I mean YOU.
still have my reservation about him... but i guess he will be less of 2 evil.
How the hell they got a name like Heidelberg? What happened to names like Wagongga, or similar sounding names!! Haha
Anwar is my favourite no matter what they say about him. He at least sounds like a real leader and not like those buggling fools that appear on CNN which only embarass all Malaysians.
u should go to anwar ibrahim's blogspot and view that speech. It is even better. There is a lot of echo in this one
Goodonya, Jazzi. Sounds like you've learned how to educate yourself - Malaysia needs millions more like you. The open-minded, quick-brained, and loving-hearted youth are our glorious future (I know it sounds corny but I mean it truly)!
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