I had no idea what to think of the female types, until today.

A female consultant doctor working in the traumatic brain injury rehabilitation centre gave us a lecture today on what was meant to be the topic 'TBI', which was short for Traumatic Brain Injury. Or so that was what we thought it was.
I think I must've misinterpreted the acronym TBI. It felt more like I was being given a lecture on 'TBI - Traumatize poor Boys and treat them like Idiots'. Throughout the lecture, she went from:
- how most of her TBI patients were young males (hence the B for Boys), to ...
- how 'statistically speaking' (without proof) the ratio of men to women born were 2:1, which didn't matter because it was evolution's plan that the ratio eventually evened itself out to 1:1 due to male deaths, to ....
- how 'statistically speaking' (see the trend? what a farce!) women were more likely to die from a motor vehicle accident as a passenger of a male driver than driving the car themselves with blood alcohol levels of 0.24 (accepted limit is <0.05), to ...
- how 'statistically speaking' (ok this one is true for once) women who are married to men are more likely to be depressed than single/divorced/widowed women, to ...
- how men who end up in the TBI rehab wards are not a pretty sight, not very manly, and embarassing, to ...
- to ....(adding some opinions of her own on what she thought of men)
- to ....(expressing sympathy for the students in the classroom who had the bad luck of being testosterone filled)
Ok thank goodness for WEN, a guy in our group of students, who spoke out and said 'I think we get the picture' so that she could shut up.
Ok let me clarify and say that I try to be nice and always give people the benefit of doubt, before labeling someone based on their actions/words/thoughts. She may or may not be one of those FEMALE chauvinist pigs, but she does definitely have potential if she keeps this up.
TO BELITTLE MEN IN A PUBLIC TEACHING SESSION?!?!?! That's just as bad as our Malaysian Minister of Tourism and his swipe at female bloggers! Hang on, it could be worse! The way she does it....so subtle, yet so direct; so 'scientific', yet so much b***sh*t!!
I was SOOO disgusted during that lecture, and started contemplating all sorts of comebacks for the sake of all malehood. At one stage I was almost about to pack my bag and walk out of the tutorial room (I was sitting right beside her too), and at another stage when she asked if we had questions, I was so tempted to raise my hand and ask 'Tell me, what is it like behaving like a female chauvinist pig?'
Damn. I was too polite, and let her get away with it. It was only because she WAS much more senior than me, and I didn't want to risk sabotaging my career supposing i bumped into her again when i start work as an intern.
But it seems everyone in the room (not just the guys, mind you) felt that she went overboard... so heh, it wasn't just testosterone clouding my mental capacity! =) Hm...perhaps next time I won't be so polite...
So watch out you Female Chauvinist Pigs out there! If the male types are forced to shut it, so should you!
hahaha... think they are just low on self esteem... shouldnt pay too much attention to them... really...
Prolly some guy made such a huge impact on her life that it totally changed her view on men... prolly... XD
Thank god you didn't piss her off... I am SURE she has the power to sabotage your entire career, you might not even make it to become an intern!
I still remember last time a surgical registrar pissed off a consultant, even though the registrar were not in the shoes to be blamed on an incidence, he ended up being completely banned from practising in Victoria as that consultant actually mailed every single public hospitals telling them to never employ this registrar .
Take home message: never piss off your superior until the day you can afford to!
Zewt: Could be true. I wasn't so sure if she was low on self esteem though. She seemed to be very high on self confidence when she spoke.
Dektos: Surprise surprise. =) Today one of my coursemates told me that she feels that the consultant must've just had a nasty seperation/divorse, not just because of the way she spoke, but also because she spoke of having a daughter, but wasn't wearing a wedding ring! haha, sounds plausible to me, who knows.
JiaKai: haha, trust u to come up with more statistics for me... =)
Sang: thanks for the advice haha =) I'm glad i didn't. I think all of my coursemates who attended that topic session felt that they wanted to bash her/humiliate her in some way or another too, thankfully we were all too chicken to do so...
a person who is high on confidence dont need to act in such a manner.... i think...
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