Friendster is awesum =). In one morning, I have managed to view profiles of 20+ of my high school friends, and added them to my friends list. All this, by viewing the friends lists of the existing friends on my list.
For some reason, I seem to have been left out of the high school friendship loops.... am I not good enough for them?! -.-
Anyway, this post is going to be about some of my more interesting high school friends, not just for your viewing, but also for my nostalgia. =) (Disclaimer: All pictures of my friends were extracted from
Friendster, captions are my own)
2 of my closest friends during high school days, YeouJian is the guy with long hair, HuiYee is the baldie. Used to play heaps of volleyball and basketball together. =). Oh. HuiYee is also known as Bedi Yap to us. No prizes for guessing what his trademark picture is (below)! (do leave your comments and let me know what your guesses are)

Oh we're so COOL!

Need a hand Bedi?

2. Tan Geak Poh
More known as Gepoh (meaning 38 in canto, or busy-body, or nosey), he's also got the nickname of Da-Tou-Wa-Wa (big-head doll). It's true! His head IS BIG! =). That probably explains why he's so smart....He can be quite spontaneous too, doing the randomest stuff...He's got the most bizarre love for studying, he actually finds study interesting, and if not for this contagious attitude of his rubbing off to me when I saw next to him in pre-U, I probably wouldn't have made it to medical school...

Yes I'm the big-headed guy in the left of the picture

Ain't I so cool?

Wow this gadget is great, functions as a 2-in-1 urinal-cum-basin! Ooops did I remember to zip my pants up?

I like it horizontal ladies.. =P I'm sure i zipped my pants up this time, or did I? Oh sh*t! #$^&*@
3. Khoo Ching Soong
Our class monitor in Form 5, this guy is a definite leader. He is a gentleman to the ladies, but to the guys, he's the horniest bastard. =). But he definitely has my respect, he knows when to be serious, and when to play hard.

Ok let's stop with the serious stuff and lemme go backpack to find the ladies already!

Where are the ladies?!?!

Ahhh, finally I find one! Woohoo my lucky day! Lay-off her you two, she's mine!
4. Hiew Litt Pang
Warning! Don't puhway puhway with this fellar. He is a mathematical genius, if ever you speak to him about maths/physics, be prepared to be pwned reAL HARD. Actually, be prepared to be pwned real hard whenever you speak to him. He will probably relate it back to mathematical calculations....

I challenge you: spot the difference between this picture and the next one

Yep, that's right, it's the hair. See that tuft of hair standing up in the 2nd pic? This is caused by draft coming from the wind. I PREDICTED THAT, the moment I switched the air-conditioner on. Now according to Boyle's law, the displacement of my hair can be calculated by x = 53920+43x^3 /263.2523......also considering the friction of air due to my thick and jagged hair, one must add the friction coefficient into the equation...etc...etc....zzzzz (go figure)
Am falling asleep listening to Litt Pang.... will write more about my high school friends in the future when more inspiration comes.....
(Another disclaimer: If you happened to be featured here or know the people featured here and are insulted by this post, please learn to take life easy and enjoy a good laugh. I'm sure if it were back in high school days you guys would laugh about it with me. I certainly will have no issues with anyone deciding to feature me as a joke. Remember: Laughter is the best medicine)