Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Probably a bit of time for self-reflection.
Am I stronger?
Am I more confident?
Am I more generous?
Am I a better leader?
Am I better at time management?
Am I more humble?
Damn. I wish I had a constant reminder in my head that gives me a big knock on my head whenever my head starts blowing up like a balloon. God I pray please give me humility, so that I can acknowledge that whatever I have, whatever success I achieve is because of your generosity.
Thank you God.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The Journey
To me, SUCCESS is not so much an end destination. We do not arrive at a place called SUCCESS.
It is a JOURNEY. We decide if we are successful or not, we decide whether we're on a success journey, or a journey of failure.
So the next time we think of our current life journey, think of the journey as being a successful one, and we will see the massive change in our outlook of life! =).
Monday, August 13, 2007
The Price to Pay
The price may be BIG.
The price may be small.
The price may be looooooooooong.
The price may be short.
The price may be forever.
The price may be temporary.
The price may be money.
The price may be time.
The price may be freedom.
The price may be love.
The price may be family.
The price may be friends.
The price may be LIFE.
What is the price you are paying?
Sunday, August 05, 2007
I have just started a gratitude journal, where I write down a whole page of things I'm grateful to God for, and, believe it or not, it works wonders! It completely transforms my frame of mind, and I no longer dwell on unfortunate events of happenings, and instead I focus on all the good things that have happened in my life...In fact, the gratitude journal writing activity works best when I've had a crap day, I can feel the change in my mood even as I write those grateful sentences down! =)
Have you started writing your gratitude journal yet? =)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
When everything doesn't go your way...
Perhaps we should build a coccoon around ourselves and remind ourselves that these adverse circumstances will one day turn us into butterflies with wings that make us fly so high....with wings so beautiful that they make people sigh....with colours so bright that it's shine one can't deny.
Nat is free =)
Stay strong bro, Malaysia needs more strong young men.
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Bad news travels faster than good news
Which explains why news that we commonly hear is often distorted.
Do you understand?
Are you discerning enough to know the good from the bad?
(sigh I am referring to friends who always assume what they hear to be true, especially bad news)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Listen first, then talk
How many ears do we have?
How many mouths do we have?
I believe that God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason...we should really listen more than we talk. And when we talk, it should be a result of our listening, cos only that way can we sincerely help others.
Are you listening? =)
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Busy-ness = business?
Minding my own business....
Hm...hang on that didn't feel right.
Is that how the word 'business' came about? Does one always have to be busy when one is doing business?
Interesting random thought...
Anyway I've been busy lately...with all sorts of stuff...hence my lack of posts...but i think i'll be more free by mid -July ...
Don't miss me too much! =P
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Have we forgotten about the trivial things of life?
Have you read the book called ' The Little Prince' by Antoine de Saint-Exupery? If you haven't, I say, you definitely MUST read it.
Too many of us have forgotten how to stop and enjoy the little things of life. Perhaps reading this book will help you remember! =)
For now let me enjoy my little cup of tea....
Monday, May 28, 2007
When is parenting good parenting?
If you are a parent, and your son/daughter comes up to you and tells you that he/she REALLY REALLY wants to run a business, and asks you to loan him/her a few thousand dollars as start up capital, would you give it to him?
What if you felt that the business was doomed to fail, because you felt you knew better?
Tell me what you think.
I personally feel that i would definitely support my son/daughter, despite how badly i felt he/she would fail. Especially if he/she wanted it very very much. What better opportunity to let our son/daughter learn about life than when he/she wants to take on life him/herself!
Now if i were the son/daughter, and my parents said NO to me, I'd start wondering if they really had me as a son because they wanted to impose their will, their regrets in life on me rather than let me live my own life....
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Rejection is not for the weak

Anyway, lately i've been facing a lot of rejection. It's really building up my character. But slowly and surely, I'm beginning to accept the fact that rejection is part and parcel of growing up and becoming mature. In fact the most successful people are moulded out by adverse circumstances and situations where they constantly face rejection.
Even the president of united states gets rejected by 49% of americans...but ultimately it's the 51% that counts right? :D
Rejection is not for the weak, and DrJazzi is certainly NOT going to be weak.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Dare to dream

I am so amazed how many of us were brought up thinking of how we can only walk one path.
So much so that when the other path appears right before your eyes, you dismiss it, and think of it as an illusion, or a trap, or a gateway to doom.
Do dreams come true? Maybe, maybe not.
But the question is:
Do you dare to dream?
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Personal Growth

Perhaps it's about knowing the right people. I'd like to think it this way, successful people are the 3% minority, and have a small voice, but once you tap into their voice, the opportunities for personal growth are endless.
Hope tomorrow will be another good day! =).
Thanks SangYee for somehow persuading me to attend the talk on Sunday.
Monday, May 07, 2007

If only to bask in the glory achieved by these malaysians.
And how ironic is it, that after many of us malaysians have been eating scraps of leftovers for our whole lives, finally find a better dinner host that offers us better food and shelter, should we malaysians still pledge allegience to our former, cruel, fascist hosts.
And allow them to rob even part of the glory we achieve for ourselves despite the adversity.
I couldn't help but think of these ironies when I read an article on TheStar which portrays a malaysian female, who studied is National University of Singapore and then Columbia University (note: NOT a malaysian university, for obvious reasons known to malaysians), who ended up winning the Pulitzer Prize (click to find out what the famous Pulitzer prize is about)
Read all about Fong Foong Mei and her achievement here.
Sunday, May 06, 2007

Right now there are thoughts on balance overcrowding my little brain.
1. Wanting to be rich, and being generous
2. Helping others, and helping myself
3. Work, and play
4. Enjoying life, and discipline
5. Being kind, and not being trampled over
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Going to a place of death

I have been going to a placed called Caritas Christi Hospice Centre this past week, a place of palliative care where people who are diagnosed as 'dying' are transferred to, so that their dying needs are met, and that they die in comfort and dignity.
Sometimes it is quite a sad sight. I see patients in the beds, most of which are either very frail, or comatose. I see the look of death on their faces, the pale face, soulless stare, drowsy eyes (a lot of which is probably due to the amount of Morphine given to reduce their pain/suffering) etc.
Sometimes it is quite a heart-warming sight. There is a creative arts room in this hospice, where patients and their family members can express themselves. Patients that are well enough are regularly encouraged to draw their own 'circle-of-life'. I saw 1 of these pictures when we were given a tutorial on pastoral care. This picture was drawn by a guy who spent 25 out of his 42 years in jail. His circle of life had 4 quadrants. The top left quadrant had butterflies, probably signifying his readiness to transition from life here to the next (caterpillar morphs into a butterfly, butterflies have always been symbols of death n afterlife); the top right quadrant had his trademark bird, which was interpreted as his want of freedom; the bottom left quadrant had his handprint, which was interpreted as 'talk-to-the-hand', perhaps he wanted to convey how he was always misunderstood for his actions, and felt that people did not understand him; and the bottom right quadrant was a dolphin, wasn't very sure what it signified, but perhaps it also meant freedom, or maybe it meant that like dolphins he could communicate telepathically?
There were also other heart-warming activities. Patients and their families could purchase little plates, and make their fingreprint-butterflies, which meant using fingerprints to form the shape of butterflies. In fact, there was even a fingerprint butterfly wall in this hospice.
Memorials are held at every one year anniversary, where families and friends of deceased people at Caritas Christi Hospice Centre are invited to attend memorial services, in honour of their loved ones. The lady from pastoral care explained that it was sort of a closure for many staff members of CC as well, because most of the time by the time a patient died here, staff members would have formed a close bond with their patient.
For some people, Caritas Christi is a place where everybody drives past praying/wishing they NEVER have to end up there. For others, admission into CC spells doomsday. Yet I believe, and judging from most of the response of the in-patients and family members and friends of the dying, one could not die a more dignified death. A painless, calm death, where the dying have had a chance to express their dying selves to the full, where family members and friends have ample opportunity to be given counselling and support throughout the dying process and even after the death of their loved one.
Rest in peace, dear dying ones.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Pill-popping old people

Did you know, that the average number of pills taken by Australian elderly people (elderly being above 80) is 10 pills?!
TEN bloody pills!
Imagine being old, and forgetting half the things you do that day, and having to sort out which pill to take when, and what these pills are for....
Part of the problem is, us damn doctors are too lazy to try to figure out which pills they don't really need, especially the ones they have been taking since they were 30.
You could almost hear doctors say: "Ah what harm can it do if they continue to take it, they have been on it for Nx1000 years what, what for I take them off now. Besides, I earn more if they take more pills..."
Man, if I had my way, I would force all doctors to take all 10 of those pills for 2 years, and see how they feel about it. Not just the having-to-remember-what-pill-to-take-and-when part, but also the omg-these-pills-are-making-me-nuts part.
Or maybe I should get all doctors to take salt+pepper+vinegar+ginger+garlic+onion+bitterguord+oystersauce+chilli+tomato+roticanaikuah+tomyum+egg+yongtaufoo. Maybe top it off with some rojak. That's probably how old people feel when they take all those pills. making-me-nuts.
Anyway, on a seperate note, please do take care of your health. You may be invincible now, but next thing you know, you may be asking me the same question:
"Doc, I can't remember whether it was the blue pill i was supposed to take, or the pink one?"
Monday, April 30, 2007
The Art of Shoe Shining

And I am struggling.
I have never been a shoe polisher!!
Man, I feel like I want to puke having to do this. Lavishing praise and adornment to companies which I have absolutely no clue about. Words like 'well-established', 'leading company in Australia' etc etc... Feels like I am outright lying....even though these companies may very well be well established and leading companies in Australia....
Then harm can it be if I make others feel good about themselves and yet get the money off them. Not like they're losing out on anything right? They'll still get good exposure amongst us medical graduates...
BUt....sigh... I am fearing for the worst. Is this only a preview of what's yet to come? The endless shoe-polishing in order to get specific gains?
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Thieves on the prowl

BOY was I glad I followed my conscience. She replied with a vigorous shake of her head. And so I asked her story.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Ignorance is bliss?

Sunday, April 22, 2007
High School Friends - Part 2

Previous pictures too nerdy for you? No sweat, I can be cool too! Imma PUNK!
Want a metrosexual instead? Lookit me now! Don't worry, I'm hot on the outside, but soft on the inside...
Damn it's a tough life being so good looking....
(Don't worry GuangHong, I know you're really a nice guy inside...Just have a good laugh!) =).
This girl is da bomb. When she transferred from KuanCheng Girls School to our class in Form4, she had em boys eyes in the class turning.. Even with the mandatory necklength hairstyle for girls imposed on her by our strict school! But don't be decieved...she is anything but a brainless beauty, she's as smart as a nerd too! (Hang on..or is she a nerd herself?:P)
Why are all those guys staring at me? Eek some of them even have scary smiles on their faces!
Maybe I'll smile back too...
I'm a Japanese wannabe! I heard Andy Lau likes hot Jap chiqs...
Muahahah.....he fell for it! He's mine..ALL MINE...
Whaddaya mean I'm a nerd Jazzi -.- Just cos I dress cute and study hard....Watchout the gangsta in me is gonna whoop yer a**!
6. Lee Hong Wee
He loves girls. He really does!! Sometimes he goes on a bit of a rage though...I wonder why... pent up frustration? =P.

Watchout mi ladies! Hongster is here!
Where are the ladies?!? Imma getting constipated... T_T
(puts wigs on himself and speaks in a girls voice): "Don't worry Hongster, I'm here for you..." Come here mushy mushy, give mama a kiss.."
Oddly enough, that feels SOOOO GOOD!!!
Fine then! If ya'll girls don't appreciate me, I'll use my big long pole for better purposes!
Muahaha...told you I'd do good with mi pole! Got myself a degree with it!
Chancellor: *wink-wink* ya sure did! You free tonight again?
More to come.....
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Pee in You Pants

Let's face it. We've all pee-ed in our pants. And chances are, when we grow old, we may do it again.
I learnt about incontinence (AGAIN, touched on it while doing my womens health rotation) today. If you're curious, there are 2 main types of incontinence:
1. Stress incontinence
You feel your throat tickling. "Damn, something irritating my throat", you say. You cough.
Uh-oh. Your underwear feels a bit moist.
THAT, it stress incontinence
2. Urge incontinence
You are sitting in a bus. The next stop is 2 hours journey away. You take a sip of Apple Juice, making sure you don't drink too much.
But then it comes. That sensation.
"I GOTTA GO DAMNIT!", you try crossing your legs, you meditate, trying to distract your mind.
Uh-Oh. Your underwear feels moist.
THAT, is urge incontinence.
Of course, one may have BOTH stress and urge incontinence. If you happen to be one of condolences....
Don't worry, there are always good old continence pads this one...

Or, if you fancy a sexier style...
(Disclaimer: Incontinence can often be treated by lifestyle modification, pelvic floor exercises, pharmacological agents, and even surgical intervention. Pads are only used when lifestyle modification and pelvic floor exercises fail to improve continence, and if surgery is deemed unwarranted)
(Discalimer: If you or your relative/friend are suffering from incontinence, do visit your local GP. He will be able to help you.)
(Disclaimer: No incontinence is NOT a joke. The above post was to help increase awareness regarding incontinence, and let the public know that it should not be a shameful problem hidden from everyone.)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Of Botaks and Games
I am officially a Botak (Baldie) now. Don't ask me why, I just did it.
The hairdressor (pretty one too) commented saying "Its amazing how different one looks after a shave isn't it?" after about 2/3 of my head was shaved. Not sure if she meant that as a compliment or whether she was saying that it was a pity for me to shave. Who cares. You know what's amazing? The amazing part is how when my mind was made up to shave, there was no turning back. All hesitation was just shrugged away.
If only I had such resolve in my studies....I'd be a friggin Dean's list medical student by now...

Sunday, April 15, 2007
Much Ado Over Blogging
Am totally exhausted from all the sports though. Played from 11am-4pm non stop, alternating between basketball and soccer.
On a seperate note, an interesting article was recommended by Jeff Ooi, which will be relevant to all Malaysian bloggers. Read it here : Much Ado Over Blogging.
Friday, April 13, 2007
High school friends
For some reason, I seem to have been left out of the high school friendship loops.... am I not good enough for them?! -.-
Anyway, this post is going to be about some of my more interesting high school friends, not just for your viewing, but also for my nostalgia. =) (Disclaimer: All pictures of my friends were extracted from Friendster, captions are my own)
2 of my closest friends during high school days, YeouJian is the guy with long hair, HuiYee is the baldie. Used to play heaps of volleyball and basketball together. =). Oh. HuiYee is also known as Bedi Yap to us. No prizes for guessing what his trademark picture is (below)! (do leave your comments and let me know what your guesses are)

2. Tan Geak Poh
More known as Gepoh (meaning 38 in canto, or busy-body, or nosey), he's also got the nickname of Da-Tou-Wa-Wa (big-head doll). It's true! His head IS BIG! =). That probably explains why he's so smart....He can be quite spontaneous too, doing the randomest stuff...He's got the most bizarre love for studying, he actually finds study interesting, and if not for this contagious attitude of his rubbing off to me when I saw next to him in pre-U, I probably wouldn't have made it to medical school...

Yes I'm the big-headed guy in the left of the picture
Ain't I so cool?
Wow this gadget is great, functions as a 2-in-1 urinal-cum-basin! Ooops did I remember to zip my pants up?
I like it horizontal ladies.. =P I'm sure i zipped my pants up this time, or did I? Oh sh*t! #$^&*@
Our class monitor in Form 5, this guy is a definite leader. He is a gentleman to the ladies, but to the guys, he's the horniest bastard. =). But he definitely has my respect, he knows when to be serious, and when to play hard.

Ok let's stop with the serious stuff and lemme go backpack to find the ladies already!
Where are the ladies?!?!
Ahhh, finally I find one! Woohoo my lucky day! Lay-off her you two, she's mine!
Warning! Don't puhway puhway with this fellar. He is a mathematical genius, if ever you speak to him about maths/physics, be prepared to be pwned reAL HARD. Actually, be prepared to be pwned real hard whenever you speak to him. He will probably relate it back to mathematical calculations....

I challenge you: spot the difference between this picture and the next one
Yep, that's right, it's the hair. See that tuft of hair standing up in the 2nd pic? This is caused by draft coming from the wind. I PREDICTED THAT, the moment I switched the air-conditioner on. Now according to Boyle's law, the displacement of my hair can be calculated by x = 53920+43x^3 /263.2523......also considering the friction of air due to my thick and jagged hair, one must add the friction coefficient into the equation...etc...etc....zzzzz (go figure)
Am falling asleep listening to Litt Pang.... will write more about my high school friends in the future when more inspiration comes.....
(Another disclaimer: If you happened to be featured here or know the people featured here and are insulted by this post, please learn to take life easy and enjoy a good laugh. I'm sure if it were back in high school days you guys would laugh about it with me. I certainly will have no issues with anyone deciding to feature me as a joke. Remember: Laughter is the best medicine)