Monday, May 28, 2007

When is parenting good parenting?

Here's a question:

If you are a parent, and your son/daughter comes up to you and tells you that he/she REALLY REALLY wants to run a business, and asks you to loan him/her a few thousand dollars as start up capital, would you give it to him?

What if you felt that the business was doomed to fail, because you felt you knew better?


Tell me what you think.


I personally feel that i would definitely support my son/daughter, despite how badly i felt he/she would fail. Especially if he/she wanted it very very much. What better opportunity to let our son/daughter learn about life than when he/she wants to take on life him/herself!

Now if i were the son/daughter, and my parents said NO to me, I'd start wondering if they really had me as a son because they wanted to impose their will, their regrets in life on me rather than let me live my own life....



flying-n@t said...

if i could afford, i will definitely support my sons/daughters, IF ONLY I CAN MAKE IT!!

Anonymous said...

I think its very hard to say. If I had the financial resources I wouldn't mind helping out. But if I'm tight, then probably not. It's arguable la. My parents would say I m not for it simply because I do not want you to repeat the same mistakes I did. Isn't that considered love too? Its debatable.

If I were the child and I wanted something so much, I 'd make sure I get the resources myself. I think to stop and question our parents eventhough we want it so bad, somehow doesnt show how "bad" we want it. Even if my parents are not for it, I'm sure deep down they'd still support me and will be there to pick me up when I fall.

Anonymous said...

To the parents i'd say: Ask not what your children can do for you, but ask yourself what you can do for your children.

Likewise, to the child i'd say: Ask not what your parents can do for you, but ask yourself what you can do for your parents.