Saturday, July 14, 2007


I realize I do not have a strong reader base, prolly due to the fact that I do not blog often enough, nor do i blog about interesting stuff.

But, for the sake of our country Malaysia, please join me in spreading this news.

My cyber friend, Nathaniel Tan, who blogs at, is a 26 yr old Harvard Graduate who is a strong advocate for a better change in Malaysia. He was detained by Malaysian police without reason. It's quite scary knowing that someone I actually exchanged emails and messages with is being used as a pawn in the government's mission to instill fear into all malaysians. The fear of wanting a better change.

So please, pass the message around to as many of your friends as you can, and let our current government (including our stupid police) know that they cannot stop our growing dissent towards them.

For more information, please read some of these links:

Malaysiakini's report on Nat's arrest. Sorry don't have the link here.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Lata Ulu Lawin, Kenering 33300 Gerik said...

Try to get the old Al Pacino's film, "Dog Day Afternoon". Pass it to Nat when he comes out.

Don't worry. He's going tbe a star when he comes out. Meanwhile, just pray the UTK is not going to use C4 this time.

zewt said...

yeah man... dunno he got arrested until i read some blogs... and i didnt know he is a harvard grad until i came here!

Anonymous said...

he is out today!