Life is so often akin to walking on a tightrope. The key to survival is finding the balance point.
I can't remember where I read this statement before, but it has stuck with me ever since.
"In life, you are either in balance, or out of balance, there is no in between"
And I couldn't agree more.
When we are in balance, everything goes smoothly. We sit on a bicycle, and when we are in balance all we feel is the breeze gently massaging our ears as we ride effortlessly down a road. All is happy, all is well. Things just fall into place like fitting jigsaw pieces. Perfect.
Once we get out of balance, everything turns into havoc. Suddenly the breeze feels like a typhoon about to send you crashing straight into a tree. People who remain strong and calm manage to make those oh-so-subtle adjustments to bring themselves back to balance, and all becomes well again. But those, oh those who overcompensate, or those who fail to make any adjustments at all, they slip and fall from the tightrope, and are sent crashing. And while most people tend to slowly, if not surely, regain enough courage to walk down the tightrope again, some fallen ones call it quits, and never give life a second chance.
Are you in balance, or are you not? Have you found your balance point?
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