Saturday, April 05, 2008


It's amazing what babies can do.

Well, at least what they can do to me.

Recently I have been feeling frustrated at myself for not living up to my own high standards in all areas of my life. It would have been easier for me to blame others for who I am and where I am now, but clearly there is nowhere I can point my finger towards and say 'It's all your fault!'. And trust me when even you are frustrated at yourself, there is not a lot that can cheer you up.

Then comes a spur of the moment decision to surf youtube for baby videos.

There are so many awesome baby videos out there!!! =) While most funny adult videos actually require the adults to be doing something funny to make me laugh, the babies in the video didn't even have to do a thing. Within 2 minutes I was full of joy, just seeing their cute little faces!

Made me wonder why I got frustrated with myself in the first place. As long as I think like a baby, I can be just who I am, and will still be loved!

GoGo Babypower!

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