Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Personal Growth

In 2 nights, I have already achieved personal growth at a level that I could only dream of in the past.

Perhaps it's about knowing the right people. I'd like to think it this way, successful people are the 3% minority, and have a small voice, but once you tap into their voice, the opportunities for personal growth are endless.

Hope tomorrow will be another good day! =).

Thanks SangYee for somehow persuading me to attend the talk on Sunday.


zewt said...

sunday... looks like you got yourself some good 'daily bread'... good for u...

Mic. Tham said...

I like the pic,*bleh* taken somewhere in LA?

Jazzi said...

Zewt: haha...dunno whether it can be called daily bread or not, but yeah this personal growth journey will last quite a while! =). Will tell you about it if you're interested enough to add me to msn. jazz_10000@hotmail.com.

Mic: Haha dunno, googled it... =)

Family Man said...

'Persuading' is not really the best word to describe that I guess....