Monday, March 26, 2007


I hate arguments.

Sometimes I feel that the number of wrinkles on my forehead are directly proportional to the number of arguments i have on that day.

I remember that I used to be a stubborn person, always insisting that my views were the ONLY correct views, and I would go that extra mile to prove myself correct, even if it meant starting an argument with others.

Now, I try to avoid arguments whenever I can. I learn to run, to hide, to dodge.

But then sometimes you cannot run, hide or dodge when someone comes smack bang in your face with the word 'lets fight' written all over his/her face.

And so you confront them, with a fire extinguisher with one hand, and a welding face mask on the other, covering your face. And the ultimate secret weapon, the word SORRY.

It doesn't really matter whether I feel that I'm right or wrong. 'SORRY' always does the trick, like magic.

SORRY. Now get your (big fat) face full of anger away from my sight.

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