Friday, May 02, 2008


We often see scenes in movies where in the business world people are attracted to icons only as long as the icon stays as an icon. As soon as he stops being an icon, he is what people call past his 'use-by-date', neglected and forgotten.
I suppose that's why people always caution me that the business world is evil, full of shallow people, and that it is hard to have real friends in business.
I know some people out there already think I am past my use-by-date. Hardly so. I am only past my use-by-date when I have shown the whole world that I am capable of building myself an empire. I do not do it because I want recognition, or fame. I do it because I know I can, whether or not I am respected is the least of my concerns. And when I build my empire, I will ensure that EVERYONE in my empire remains respected, even if they are deemed to be past their use-by-date.
Watch out!

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